A Media Artist's Response To Failing Diplomacy

When BriAnna Olson's pacifist views were confronted by an adamant American couple, she decided to heed their challenge and head to Tehran-- the epicenter of the Axis of Evil nation.

Amongst a landscape of failed diplomacy and media smear campaigns, she and fellow artist Michael Pope found a society far more alive and hospitable than they'd ever been led to believe.

Like jesters of a modern-day Magellan, they've returned with stories and insights to a culture few American's have seen first hand.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 8: Tehran - Artmaking

Our last day was spent making a little art and tending to a few last visits.
The last gallery was Aaran Art Gallery, where we met with Nazila Noebashari (whose run her gallery for over 20 years now) and saw the current show (and featured photographer Kamran Adle). We also got to see work from Ali Ettehad, a fella we met the night before when we had a visit with Vahid Sharifian.
We already excited for our show and tell whence we return.


  1. what a great trip

    so many bridges built!

    and your hejabs just kept getting more awesome & beautiful

  2. I live by following coincidences & found you without looking, & I must say your awesome!!!! I believe in Law of One, & live by truth, courage, & love, & your outstanding in my book!

    Congrats on making it this far! It just goes to show that we can do anything, and luhv is the answer.

    You don't seem to have many comments so IDK how known you are. Though even if the truth you have to share isn't shown I feel that people are waking up to it. I've woken up (amazingly)& I'm glad I listen to my conscious. Your actions affects us all & I wanted to thank you for your love, it has lifted my spirits.


    Thank you again!
