A Media Artist's Response To Failing Diplomacy

When BriAnna Olson's pacifist views were confronted by an adamant American couple, she decided to heed their challenge and head to Tehran-- the epicenter of the Axis of Evil nation.

Amongst a landscape of failed diplomacy and media smear campaigns, she and fellow artist Michael Pope found a society far more alive and hospitable than they'd ever been led to believe.

Like jesters of a modern-day Magellan, they've returned with stories and insights to a culture few American's have seen first hand.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Presentation/Lecture @ Emerson College in Boston

This Feb. 12th, the Visual and Media Arts Department of Emerson College is sponsoring an event with Yours Truly.

The Cabaret @ 80 Boylston St. Boston, MA.
Secret stories, candid answers.

Live in Boston and want to attend? Send a note.




  1. good blog !!!
    how r u my friend
    peace lover from Indonesia
    good future for friendship all over the world
    invite my blog and plz give ur comment

  2. I want to attend, but I'm no where near Boston. :/

    Still, even though I can't be there in person, I still support your work!
